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Archive for the 'Raids' Category

The King is Dead

Fall of the Scarab King

Long live Vanquish.

It was a very long time in coming, but hard-mode Anub’arak 25 has been killed. And there was much rejoicing. Eleven of the people in raid had been with us when we first started doing pulls on Anub’arak and have been along for the whole ride; fourteen people in the raid have been with the guild for only part of the journey, and their contributions helped make the difference. Thank you to everyone who stuck with this: it feels good to finally be here.

On to Icecrown.

Business as usual

The first four bosses of Icecrown were (unsurprisingly) easy. Still, it’s nice seeing loot that isn’t sharded en-masse and a few new fights – it’s been almost a year since this much new content to play through landed in a day.

While the fights were relatively easy, at least Deathbringer and the Gunship battle managed to feel new and interesting. Lord Marrowgar was an amalgamation of Leotheras and Naj’entus, Lady Deathwhisper is an improved Shade of Akama phase one combined with a simplified Kel’thuzad phase two. The Gunship used old mechanics for the most part, but it felt different than other fights. Saurfang is just a fun fight… at least for melee.

We’re also still recruiting! Our highest priority right now is for Priests (Holy/Discipline), Mages, Warlocks, and a Shaman (Elemental), but we are accepting apps of all classes.

Vanquish, post Deathbringer kill.

Vanquish, post Deathbringer kill.

Earth, wind and fire even possible with a clicker.

Well last night was the last chance of the week we had for a 10m group within the guild to attempt the VoA achievement earth, Wind and Fire. This was our second night of attempts as it was difficult to schedule around Wintergrasp wins. With about 30 minutes left managed to pull of a kill off 3 bosses within a minute and obtained a World first!, Congratulations to everyone that was a part of this and to the clicker desp, Well done everyone.

Unfortunately there was no video recorded but hopefully we can get one done this week.


Double your pleasure or pain

Tonight the guild stepped up to the latest challenge that ToC Had to offer, The Twin Val’kyr which seemed like daunting task to defeat. After ten attempts and three the previous week vanquish learned to Ikaruga, collecting the right colour balls and defeating the twins. Congratulations to everyone that participated in getting the server first and the DPS who managed to get in the top 20 world for best dps and several in the top five US. Wish I was there well done.


Twin Val’kyr
Wail of the Val’kyr – Pelinal
Sabatons of Ruthless Judgment – Desperada
Trophy of the Crusade – Kelevrä
Legplates of Ascension – Zan

3 Beasts, A Demon and Factions champions walk into a bar

This week Heroic hardmodes were available and we jumped in the zone and attempted the bosses there within, First off the beasts of northrend were defeated after we learned how to dodge a giant yeti moving at 100K/M (That is 62.1 miles to you backwards imperial people) trying to head butt us, Followed shortly after by the demon Lord Jaraxxus who met his end in a few short attempts. Next up the champions of the horde fought an undermanned vanquish and just managed to get a victory by changing up our strat. Good work everyone!

Unfortunately no SS of the first 2 encounters and we had some loot drama from the second boss in which we couldn’t see any of the loot that dropped.


Faction Champions
Boots of the Mourning Widow – Monukai
Justicebringer – Frozenarms
Trophy of the Crusade – Arlynne
Cord of Biting Cold – Kelevrä
Pattern: Ensorcelled Nerubian Breastplate – Gbank

Vanquish the celestial defenders!

After a great month and a very good first night on algalon the week before and almost killing him, We went in after clearing to him the night before. With a great raid comp we attempted to save azeroth from certain destruction. After a 10% wipe we went back in and focused on our jobs for a flawless attempt that led to a kill, Saving azeroth from doom and getting a realm first! Congratulations to everyone who put the effort in over the last month i am very impressed how everyone has preformed lately.

Secondly i would like to thank everyone who sent us tells or made forums posts congratulating us.

Tinker Toy Achievements

Reply-Code Alpha – Ellwin
Planewalker Treads – Melarix
Comet’s Trail – Ayanami
Legplates of the Endless Void – Veiled
Fragment of Val’anyr – Nan

Tinker Toy Achievements
Tinker Toy Achievements

Realm First! Celestial DefenderObserved (25 player)