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Archive for June, 2007

High Astromancer Solarian

I wasn’t feeling well so to make me feel better they killed Solarian leaving Kael’thas the only one left in our way to explore Hyjal and Black Temple. I didn’t get what loot dropped but grats if you got something and thanks Fehl for the SS’s!

Lady Vashj

I do not like this fight, but I do have to say this is the fight that really will show you who in the raid is giving it their all. This fight requires everyone to be 100% attentive to their roles and push your dmg output while not being able to just pewpew from one spot. Great job guys! BTW Cleave sucks!

[item]Helm of the Vanquished Defender[/item]
[item]Helm of the Vanquished Champion[/item]
[item]Fang of Vashj[/item]
[item]Runetotem’s Mantle[/item]


This is a crazy fight, for real. One of my new favorites! Really tough encounter at first but once you figure it out and got everyone on their game it is a lot of fun. Got a rare drop fist on first kill is hotness! Grats to Arthyn on that little bit of sexiness.

[item]Talon of the Phoenix[/item]
[item]Band of Al’ar[/item]